Your File Sharing Control Panel is not set up correctly for AppleShare IP. Please make sure that there is an Owner Name, Password, and Computer Name. AppleShare IP Registry could not start up. Startup disk is full. Please make disk space available on the startup disk and restart your computer. AppleShare IP Registry could not start up. Please Check Network settings and restart your computer. AppleShare IP Registry could not register its name on the AppleTalk network. Please choose another Macintosh name in the Sharing Setup control panel and restart your computer. AppleShare IP is not intended to run with the installed version of system software. It requires system software 7.5.1 or greater. Your Memory Control Panel is not set up correctly for AppleShare IP. Please make sure that the Modern Memory Manager is on. Then restart your computer. AppleShare IP Registry requires AppleTalk to be turned on. Please make AppleTalk active in the AppleTalk control panel. Your Sharing Setup Control Panel is not set up correctly for AppleShare IP. Please make sure that there is an Owner Name, Password, and Macintosh Name.